St Columba’s and The Holy Souls Parish North Leichhardt is a welcoming and caring community.

Our Mission is ‘Open to God, Reaching Out to Others.’ We try to live this out through active participation in parish life, strengthening our spiritual and pastoral lives as individuals and as a community of faith.

Our Church is located on the corner of Elswick and William Streets Leichhardt, with with St Columba’s Primary School located on the same block. Our hall, adjacent to the church, is used by the School and Parish.

St Columba’s and The Holy Souls facilitates a parish-based sacramental program. Parents and their children are actively involved in the preparation for each of the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. This provides a valuable opportunity for parents to walk together with their children on their spiritual journey and helps to strengthen the relationship between the Parish and the School.

Our Parish has an active St Vincent de Paul Conference, Social Justice Group and a Craft Group. Opportunities for spiritual enrichment exist through participation as Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of the Word. There is also the chance to join a Lenten group or volunteer to bring the sacrament of Holy Communion to local nursing homes and the sick in the parish.

Our Parish supports the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and Jesuit Refugee Services through monthly collections of requested items. 

St Columba’s Parish often gathers to celebrate social occasions building a strong sense of community. The Parish Cuppa is held after each Mass on the last weekend of the month.