History of St Columba’s Parish and School

In 1857 Fr John Therry secured a large block of land (the site of OAC preschool, St Columba’s School and the presbytery) for Balmain Catholic Cemetery where a small mortuary chapel was built.

Between 1870 and 1875 the chapel was used as a school and the children taught by a lay teacher.

In 1898 a new Church-School was completed. On 26 February of that year, The Catholic Press newspaper carried this story about the opening of St Columba’s Church-School,

“In the vicinity of the old Catholic cemetery at Leichhardt on Sunday was gathered a large number of people… to be present  on the occasion of the opening ceremony in connection with the new Church-School…The situation of this building is most picturesque, it stands on a nice hill overlooking Leichhardt Bay, and that portion of the borough which but a few years ago was a huge swamp and which is now crowded with habitation….the government has done a vast amount of service to the public…it has enabled building operations to be carried on and residences occupied in a place which was, a few years ago, a distinct menace to public health…Fr McIntyre may feel justly proud of the great work he has accomplished…Fr McIntyre, with the assistance of his Leichhardt parishioners, was in a position to be able to show, on Sunday, a fine brick building, almost completed, and at the cost which amounted to 254 pounds.”

In the tradition of St Mary MacKillop, the sisters of St Joseph who travelled from St Martha’s Home in Renwick St, taught in the school from 1897 until 1994.

In 1926 an infant’s block was built (the current K-2 building).

1933 saw the formation of St Columba’s as the parish church of North Leichhardt with Reverend Father William Geer as the first parish priest.

In 1953 another block of classrooms was built and blessed by Cardinal Gilroy.

The first lay staff member came to St Columba’s in 1959.

In 1971 the downstairs of another two-classroom block and toilets was completed and the upstairs was added in 1978.

In the 1980’s the school bought a demountable building to house more students.

In 1995, Mrs Dolores Harrington was appointed the first lay principal of St Columba’s.

A new Parish Hall was built and officially opened and blessed on 29 June 2010 by Cardinal Pell. Two years later the Church underwent significant renovation including the installation of new stained glass windows and air conditioning, fresh paint, improved disability access, new furniture in the sacristy and foyer, and a new area for the choir.  Cardinal Pell blessed the renovations during Mass on 4 February 2012.

On 17 June 2016 the current refurbished school was blessed by Bishop Terry Brady and Dr Dan White, the then Executive Director of Sydney Catholic Schools. Ms Frances Stewart was the School Principal at the time. The beautifully designed school provides inviting learning spaces for students and a calm and delightful environment for all at St Columba’s.

St Columba’s Parish Priests

Fr William Geer 1933

Fr Charles Murphy 1940

Fr James Lynch 1952

Fr George Meredith 1955

Fr Michael Butler 1988

Fr John Ford 1995

Fr John Iacono 1998

Fr Remy Lam Son Bui 2000

Fr Artur Wojtowicz 2004

Fr Martin Monaghan 2006

Fr Danny Meagher 2007

Fr Peter Smith 2013 – Current

St Columba’s Principals

Sister Grace 1918Sr Edwardine 1933

Sister Therese Martin 1947-1948

Sister Patrick 1950-1956

Sister Teresita Breen 1960’s

Sr Attracta 1972 -1977

Sr Anita Brown 1978 – 1990’s

Mrs Dolores Harrington1995 -2002
(First lay principal)

Mrs Diane Monaghan 2003 – 2008

Ms Francis Stewart 2009-2016

Mr Bernard Ryan 2017-2021

Mrs Debra Galofaro 2022 – Current